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Dear friends of Bruce King,

It’s a true miracle he is alive and has come home as of sat Jan 20, 2019, from his injuries incurred last November 2018, on Thanksgiving weekend from falling off a two-story judging scaffolding at a coalition surf event in San Miguel Mexico in Baja California. co-hosted by Baja surf club, he was our RQR head judge of the USA judging crew.

His injuries:

Initially, after he fell onto the beach he was not breathing, had no pulse and was turning blue, Paul Futch was holding his head and saying don’t leave us Bruce, and come back to us Bruce and what the hell did you do Bruce. I was holding his hand and just praying n in shock and in disbelief. A retired paramedic was gently doing finger compressions On his chest . and Bruce came back to us! Hallelujah, then the paramedic slowly asked Bruce all the key questions needed to assist him and we waited and transported him via ambulance to the poorly staffed hospital. We needed him moved to another hospital where he was assessed and helped temporarily.

At first, although he was in a lot of pain we thought he dodged a major bullet. And we’re so happy no broken back or neck.

In America, we discovered the severity of his injuries:

10 broken ribs, 2 punctured lungs. Phenomena, 3 chipped vertebrae, 1 broken collar bone,1 broken clavicle,, and kidney failure, most of which was missed in Mexico, another 24 hrs there n he would not be here today. This all happened the weekend the boarded was closed, reopened and closed again.

He was in 2 Baja hospitals, three ambulances in Mexico and air evacuated by airplane from Mexico to sharp memorial hospital in San Diego All prepaid in MEXICO. over $ 14,000 And then transported in a fourth ambulance in the USA. costing thousands of dollars that all had to be pay before he was discharged.

We were initially told there was a “”””LESS than 45. % “”””” chance of survival from someone with such injuries,

He was in a life-saving state if the art new rotating sandwich type bed that rotated every 15 minutes and ((((((((it was a last resort!)))))),,,, allowing the congestion in his lungs to drain. It was touch n go for days, we had everyone praying and sending healing love and energy to him daily and hourly .lots of prayer chains in the USA and Mexico.

On sat December 15 we got the news,,,, that he “. might make it” 
And each day after that were updates and improvements,;">?;">?

I am asking for financial help for him as it will be another 3 months before his body will heal enough to be able to go back to work as a contractor ( 69+). Due to this accident, he has lost his two construction projects that have been booked out for the next 4 to 5 months and cannot bid or do any additional ones till he can fully breathe again and do physical labor again. This is a loss of over $70.000 in income he was counting on and has incurred a lot of medical bills, and regular monthly bills, physical therapy, etc etc etc.

He was one of the original 1992 founding club members in the first 8 clubs in the coalition of surfing clubs, and helped form and developed it at numerous meetings and also created with John peck the RQR judging crew, know for its non partisanship n fair non bias judging, embracing traditional old school longboarding maneuvers , and new progressive ones and short boarding

he has always said to me its time to give back to our community, we are so lucky to be a part of surfing. And someone has to step up to them and help. he along with the Swamis surfing ass. And the lions club coordinated surfing events with the blind, he has been president of Swamis and head judge at many coalition events and put on numerous weekend certifications for judges and prospect new RQR s judges for our coalition contest and hosted numerous coalition meetings and helped with protocols for the coalition. He’s donated boards he shaped for the fundraiser and loves our community and would do anything for it

He has been a great father to the late Cyrus king and Lelia king n her two children, people call him a big teddy bear, a mans man and a man of his word. He is a world class stand up guy and needs our help.

From William Fitzmaurice below

One small addition to the above. The individual who saved Bruce's life was Michael Joseph. When we both got to Bruce he wasn't breathing and in fact had already turned blue. Michael performed CPR and literally brought Bruce back to life!

He would never ask,,,,, but I can ask for him and Please, I hope you can help ME Help Him.

From Cindy Sandberg-Futch

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