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2024 PBSC/Surf Lounge Holiday Party

Photos from the 2024 Holiday Party at Club HQ

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Coalition of Surfing Clubs logo

The Pacific Beach Surf Club, originally founded in 1957 and then reborn in 1994, is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the celebration of the Hawaiian sport of kings, surfing.

The club fulfills its mission by spreading aloha in all its endeavors, whether it be in friendly competition with rival clubs, respecting the environment through annual beach cleanups, teaching beginners and novices the skills and surf etiquette they will need through regular surf clinics, and passing on our knowledge and skills to the next generation of surfers.

The club is also a proud member of the Coalition of Surfing Clubs, and we participate in their annual series of surfing competitions up and down the California coast and sometimes even Baja, Mexico!

Please have a look around, sign up if you haven't already done so, and join the conversation!

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On the first Thursday of every month the Pacific Beach Surf Club meets to discuss the latest club news, exchange stories, socialize, and hash out the latest happenings in the local surf scene.

Meetings are open to members and their guests, as well as non-members who are interested in joining the club. Special guests are often invited to present anything from the latest in board design to discussions about upcoming community events.

User Rating: 4 / 5

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In the Beginning

The first Pacific Beach Surf Club was founded in the summer of 1956 by a group of young surfers from Pacific Beach Junior High School. Its founding president was Bobby Thomas, who would later go on to become Bobby Challenger Thomas, owner of Challenger Surfboards and a huge name in surfboard innovation and manufacturing in the 1960s. Club members would meet at the home of Fred Retman who lived close to Law Street, a favorite club surf break at the time. In 1958 Fred became the Pacific Beach Junior Surfing Champion.

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Coalition of Surfing Clubs:


Clubs in the Coalition:

Big Stick Surfing Association: www.bigsticksurfing.org

Cardiff Surf Club: www.cardiffsurfclub.com

Coronado Surfing Association: www.coronadosurfingassociation.org 

Doheny Longboard Surfing Association: dohenylongboardsurfingassociation.org 

Huntington Beach Longboard Crew: www.hblongboardcrew.org 

La Jolla Shores Surfing Association: www.ljssa.org 

Malibu Boardriders Club:  www.malibuboardriders.com

Malibu Surfing Association: www.msasurfing.com

Oceanside Longboard Surfing Club: www.oceansidelongboardsurfingclub.org

Pedro Point Surf Club: pedropointsurfclub.org

San Onofre Surfing Club: www.sanonofresurfingclub.org

Santa Barbara Surf Club: www.sbsurfclub.com

Santa Cruz Longboard Union: www.santa-cruz-longboard-union.com

Sunset Cliffs Surfing Association:  www.scsasandiego.com

San Diego Surf Ladies: www.sandiegosurfladies.com

Ventura Surf Club: www.venturasurfclub.org

Swami's Surfing Association: www.swamissurfingassociation.org

WindanSea Surf Club: www.windansea.org

Surfing Organizations:

Surfing Heritage Center: www.surfingheritage.org

California Surf Museum: surfmuseum.org

The Groundswell Society: groundswellsociety.org

The Surfrider Foundation: www.surfrider.org

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